by brianghannam | Apr 10, 2023 | Brian Ghannam, Business
Creativity and innovation are essential components of a successful workplace. They can help businesses stay ahead of the competition, improve processes, and develop new products and services. However, fostering creativity and innovation in the workplace can be a...
by brianghannam | Mar 6, 2023 | Brian Ghannam, Business
Regardless of your industry, position, or level, you’ll likely need to learn how to give constructive criticism in the workplace. This can be especially true if you’re managing other people. You might also be asked to provide feedback to team members or...
by brianghannam | Dec 2, 2022 | Brian Ghannam, Business
Companies must have diverse leadership roles as they focus on diversity in the workplace. The culture of a company is heavily influenced by the people who are at the top. Suppose a company is genuinely committed to making its workplace more inclusive. In that case, it...
by brianghannam | Nov 8, 2022 | Brian Ghannam, Business
The number of people leaving their jobs for a new company has significantly increased over the past few years due to various factors, such as the increasing number of employees looking for a better work environment and the company’s desire to develop a more...
by brianghannam | Sep 30, 2022 | Brian Ghannam, Business
Over the past few years, leaders of businesses have been reminded of the interconnectedness of their organizations and economies. The unpredictable nature of these relationships has affected their employees and markets. It’s no surprise then that resilience has...